" There is nothing for you to go back and live over, or fix, or feel regret about now. Every part of your life has unfolded just right. And so --now -- knowing all that you know from where you now stand, now what do you want? The answers are now coming forth to you. Go forth in joy, and get on with it.." - Abraham via Jerry and Esther Hicks

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    Daily goings on in my consistantly metamorphasizing life.. trying to figure life out.. as it throws me around a bit. Enjoy!

    "I have learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but they will never forget how you made them feel." - Maya Angelou

    Thursday, March 22, 2007

    High/Low 3.22.07

    Hi there my peeps...

    What's shakin? THURSDAY!!! Almost there!!! Ok.. i just gotta get this out.... I feel a bit restless the past few days in my head... lots of thoughts going on... and i can tell i'm not feeling 'on track" with regard to creating what I want.. it has to do with someone at work.. how this person triggers my angry and jealous emotions.. and how I can learn to NOT be affected by her.. I take responsibility.. for It is ME creating this dis-chord.. I can tell how different it is when I am in a great place.. and when i'm not focusing on my happiness.. and focusing that does not bring me peace... ok.. thanks for listening.. I had to get that out..

    onto 3 things 2 things

    3 things that make me happy:
    1. I had dinner with my Sparkley friend Roxanne last nite.. I love her.. yea! I love that we sit there and talk about 'The Secret' and how we can use it in our lives!!! ROCKIN!
    2. I felt really good yesterday.. i liked what I was wearing.. and felt pretty...

    2 things I'm looking forward to today:
    1. Honestly.. I gave myself an exercise that I'm going to use with regard to my feelings toward this person at work.. I believe that I can do it.. so I am excited to see how it works!
    2. Exercising tonite.. also I hope I get to see Kevin tonite. I miss him right now.

    2 long term things I'm looking forward to:
    1. This weekend I predict that I will have purged and donated a lot of stuff and will have significantly reduced my stuff to move.. that makes me happy!
    2. The first nice spring weekend that Kevin and I can go to Carvel for an ice cream cone! (Twist Soft Serve! OH YEA!)

    1 person I am going to appreciate:
    People who are always working on themselves.. self-aware people... who show the world who they really are.. even in their vulnerablity.. that dont' project or "puff themselves out" (like a bird does) to be someone they're not.. or pretend to not be affected by life.. or pretend to know everything... I totally appreciate people who I can be are being true to themselves.. (Cause I can usually feel it when someone isn't being genuine) Can't you? (Can you tell this is what I've been churning in my brain?)

    Ok... I'm off to use these exercises!!! And create an absolutely beautiful day!
    Much love to you all,

    ps: k... I'm going to be in and out this weekend.. email me your home phone and I'll call you! and matthew.. I love you.. thanks for the compliment... I want an update with what's going on.. isn't today the day u gotta know what you're doing?


    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    what if you just DO know everything???

    at least everything that you feel you need to know about the convo you are currently having... 8-D

    11:33 AM  

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