" There is nothing for you to go back and live over, or fix, or feel regret about now. Every part of your life has unfolded just right. And so --now -- knowing all that you know from where you now stand, now what do you want? The answers are now coming forth to you. Go forth in joy, and get on with it.." - Abraham via Jerry and Esther Hicks

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    Daily goings on in my consistantly metamorphasizing life.. trying to figure life out.. as it throws me around a bit. Enjoy!

    "I have learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but they will never forget how you made them feel." - Maya Angelou

    Friday, March 16, 2007

    High/Low 3.16.07

    Hiety Ho my lovelies..

    How are you? FRIDAY!!! Ok.. ok.. gotta admit something... yesterday I didn't really have an overall good day.. (poo) There were really awesome aspects of my day.. but for whatever reason (I was feeling really emotional) I wasn't able to bring myself to a Happier higher energy.. overall. Eh.. it happens.. I sit here today.. feeling better but I can still feel residuals from yesterday... I push them off and say I AM SO HAPPY AND GRATEFUL FOR.... and i think of it... I know it primarily had to do with girl time.. that i felt emotional.. but today is a different day .. (Friday AND Payday!)

    so without much more Kerilyn ramblings.. onto 3 things 2 things

    3 things I am VERY happy about:
    1. OH MY GOSH!!! Kevin found a GREAT deal on a 19" Flat Screen Monitor.. and I'm sitting here.. writing my first High/Low to you on my new screen.. WOW! It's AMAZING how much more space I have on my desk.. and.. to boot my desk is happier too.. my former monitor weighs 95 lbs (no joke!) and i saw my desk breath a sigh of relief when Kevin took the monitor off the desk! 19" monitor for $139 bucks (after $70 rebate!) WOO HOO!!! It's so amazing how different.. being on the computer is! I'm trying to donate my old monitor (I know I wrote that I was trying to sell her.. but I think donating her will be the best thing to do.)
    2. I was on a call with our installers yesterday about a job I'm doing.. and I hung up the phone and felt really proud that I feel that I enjoy what i do.. and feel i'm actually pretty good at it. I have a really good repor with my clients that i had a meeting with yesterday.. and that makes me very proud of myself. I know for most of you who have been reading for years..the journey of my job has not been straight and smooth.. but I'm really happy to say that I feel like i'm where I'm supposed to be... appreciated and valued.. and that makes me VERY happy!!
    3. I'm really happy that I have wonderful friends.. all of you... I got phone calls from my girls Roxanne and Kristy yesterday.. I am so blessed with wonderful friends!!!

    2 things I am looking forward to today:
    1. I am going to lunch with my friend Lisa (another great friend) that I haven't seen in a LONG time.. going to catch up.... and also going to eat Thai at my favorite Thai Restaurant in Old Town! Mai Thai!
    2. I have no idea what Kevin and I are going to do tonite... but I'm excited that it's Friday and I don't have to get up early tomorrow!

    2 long term things I'm looking forward to:
    1. Purging a LOT of things in this house.. I want to downsize to the BARE minimum... REALLY take a look at my 'stuff" and say.. "Will I REALLY use this? Have I used this?"
    2. Buying a new rug, and Sofa and Mirror for my apartment!!!

    1 person I am going to appreciate:
    Me... I want to share with you a part of something my Auntie Sent me.. It SOOO resonated with me.. and although yesterday I was trying to raise my energy to make myself feel better... this inspiration has helped me SO much.. that i want to share! (It's from the book "Conversations with God") THANK YOU AUNTIE!!!

    "To the outer world it may very well appear as if nothing, in fact, has changed. And, in actual fact, nothing may have changed. You may continue to be confronted with the same conditions. Only you will sense the difference. Only you will notice the shift. It will be an experience of your inner world – yet it will begin to affect your outer world as well. And while others may not see a change in your conditions, they will see a change in you. They will wonder about this change. They will marvel at it. And eventually, they will inquire about it.

    NDW: What will I tell them?

    GOD: Tell them the truth. The truth shall set them free. Tell them that nothing has changed in your outer world. You still have toothaches. You still have bills to pay. You still put your pants on one leg at a time. Tell them that you still face conditions you once described as less than perfect, you still confront all the rough and tumble encounters of life. Tell them that nothing has changed but your Experience."

    I really loved this and remember that it's NOT about changing the OUTSIDE world.. it's about shifting the inside world.. and in return.. the outside world will change!!! I can already tell a difference in how i feel from before I wrote this to after!! Yippity Skippity!

    ok. gotta boogy to create a BEAUTIFUL Day! Seriously.. writing to you all helps me... So Thank you!
    love to you all.. have a great weekend!
    :) Kerilyn


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