" There is nothing for you to go back and live over, or fix, or feel regret about now. Every part of your life has unfolded just right. And so --now -- knowing all that you know from where you now stand, now what do you want? The answers are now coming forth to you. Go forth in joy, and get on with it.." - Abraham via Jerry and Esther Hicks

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    Daily goings on in my consistantly metamorphasizing life.. trying to figure life out.. as it throws me around a bit. Enjoy!

    "I have learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but they will never forget how you made them feel." - Maya Angelou

    Monday, June 11, 2007

    High/Low 6.11.07


    Deep Breath IN...... How was your weekend? It's Monday.... Another week....

    I'm not feeling so chatty today.... been feeling out of sorts with myself lately...
    so I'll just skip to 3 things 2 things

    3 things that make me happy:
    1. Thanks to Kevin and my Dad... Having Ceiling Fans in my apartment again.. SO nice over my bed when I'm going to sleep.. makes for a deeper nites sleep... (Last nite I fell asleep at 6:30!! I was pooped... )
    2. Having wonderful friends.. I got a wonderful email from my friend Mary Ann... Thanks Honey!! Let's get together and catch up soon!!!
    3. Being one step closer to having my kitty girl Pez Dread lock free (I dont' understand how quickly she starts to turn into Bob Marley with the dreads.. Thanks to Kevin for that too...

    2 things I am looking forward to today:
    1. Um... Starting a new project this afternoon... gotta finish up what I have been working on.. and can get started on my new project today!
    2. Going home.. and possibly going for a walk if it doesn't rain..

    2 long term things I'm looking forward to:
    1. OOH.. I'm so excited to start going to the Old Town Pool to swim.. and bask in the sun (WITH 50 spf on though) I love the times going to the pool!!!
    2. I really really really want to see this movie!!!

    1 person I am going to appreciate:
    Naomi for her perserverance... Pez for laying there so still when we cut out her Dreads... Kristine for being the best sister in the world... early morning organizing of my file cabinet feels good!... a new Reggae CD that rocks.. having my dad compliment me on my apartment...my wonderful friends Liz and Matthew saying they need a Kerilyn 'fix' (that made me feel really good).. my friend Kellee saying the same thing last week.. (Am I the luckiest woman in the world?? uh yes!)

    Ok.. that's where I am...

    Have a great day!
    Much Love..


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