" There is nothing for you to go back and live over, or fix, or feel regret about now. Every part of your life has unfolded just right. And so --now -- knowing all that you know from where you now stand, now what do you want? The answers are now coming forth to you. Go forth in joy, and get on with it.." - Abraham via Jerry and Esther Hicks

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    Daily goings on in my consistantly metamorphasizing life.. trying to figure life out.. as it throws me around a bit. Enjoy!

    "I have learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but they will never forget how you made them feel." - Maya Angelou

    Friday, October 28, 2005

    High/Low 10.28.05

    Hiety Ho my lovelies..

    It's FRIDAY!! YEA!!! I'll tell ya.. this week has been like a dream.. I feel so out of my normal everyday life.. it feels good. Sleeping in.. chatting on the couch with Angela... just getting to relax.. But I'm ready to start new job on Tuesday... I still want to enjoy every day I have left.. :)

    Yesterday has been.. so far this week..my favorite day... Got up.. made coffee... just enjoyed the morning... then Angela and I got ready and left for the country... Admittedly we ran into a bit of frustrating traffic on our way out there.. but once we turned onto this little windy farm road.. bing! we relaxed a bit that we were far from our everyday lives.. it was SO beautiful!!! We went to do some wine tasting... Linden Vineyards . Tried 2 Reds and 2 Whites.. got some cheese and sausage.. and bread.. and sat looking out at this amazing view.. wow. We had a great time!!! I posted some pictures on Flickr (click on the pictures on the left of the screen) We drove home.. trying to figure out what we were going to do.. we ended up driving straight into DC.. to see this band called Scythian perform at this Irish Bar called FADO. We got there early.. I tried a new beer out.. Stella Artois... great beer! and Angela and I just chatted until the band went on.. They were GREAT (And VERY cute too!!!) I had a great time! We just sat at the bar.. which was directly across from the band.. and enjoyed the music. Peter came a bit later.. he was SO SHOCKED to see me out!! LOL!! (I don't go out much.. and Peter's restaurant is right around the corner) I had a really great day!!!

    I'm such a creature of habit.. that I get nervous about doing new things.. things out of my comfort zone.. but 9 times out of 10.. (ok.. 7 times out of ten.. still great odds) i enjoy what I do.. yesterday was a GREAT example of that! I just love Angela.. she is really an explorer..and I know I can learn a lot from her about being more flexible.. in what I choose to do.

    Today I'm going to the Car Dealership to get some things looked at.. keys need to be reprogrammed.. put part back in car.. etc.. tonite i hopefully will spend some time with Derek.. He is awesome! He took a job with FEMA to go down to the South and help with people affected by Hurricane Katrina! How awesome is that! He leaves for Baton Rouge, LA on Sunday.. so I want to see him tonite. Tomorrow Angela and I are going to the exhibit at Hirshhorn. (we were going to go today but we have car stuff to do) and then I'm going to go see Krishna Das. Krishna Das is a musician who does spiritual songs.. chanting in Sanscrit.. I'm really excited to see him! Woo hoo! Sunday I volunteer at the National Building Museum from 12-5.. looking forward to that too!

    I think that my former boss telling me to leave immediately was exactly what had to happen.. this has been some much needed time off.. to decompress.. Blessing in disguise? I think so. Still need to clean house some.. do some laundry, etc.. but all in all a great week!

    Have a great weekend ya'll. Talk to you on Monday!
    onward and upward.
    ancora imparo " I am still learning" in Latin


    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    thats crazy, i just tried stella the other day a greek and italian restaurant in richmond....it's belgian, but reminds me of some of the beers i drank in germany...word...

    3:33 PM  
    Blogger Kyra said...

    I have to agree. Awesome beer!

    10:19 AM  

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