" There is nothing for you to go back and live over, or fix, or feel regret about now. Every part of your life has unfolded just right. And so --now -- knowing all that you know from where you now stand, now what do you want? The answers are now coming forth to you. Go forth in joy, and get on with it.." - Abraham via Jerry and Esther Hicks

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    "I have learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but they will never forget how you made them feel." - Maya Angelou

    Friday, October 21, 2005

    High/Low 10.21.05 I'M FREE!!!

    Morning Ya'll..

    ok.. WHAT A DAY this Kerilyn Girl had yesterday.. First.. I want to thank each and every one of you at Omnifics who supported me yesterday. Meant a GREAT deal. Please know that.. You made it a lot easier to walk out last nite...

    The day started off as any other... got in the office... working.. working..found that the IT guy had blocked me from the internet entirely.. not surprising.. this week is Spaweek... 50 minute sessions for 50 bucks.. not bad... i had an appointment I had made weeks ago... yesterday... so I went.. wow.. she did a great job.. lotsa pressure, concentrated on my back.. an interesting way to get thru lunchtime.. came back to office.. working working. Bill.. my dysfunctional boss.. came to me around 10 to 3.. and said he wanted to go over what I was working on.. the hand off for lack of a better word.. that was fine... i brought everything into him.. and went thru each thing... he put it on his side of the desk... hmm.. interesting.. he was laughing with me.. it seemed fine.. i told him i have 2 appointments next week... he seemed fine with that too.. then.. he turned.. i look back and laugh actually.. he played me really well.. RIGHT where he wanted me.. he said with that STUPID ASS STARE he does...looks right thru you.. so infuriating.. "Well.. I accept your resignation.. but it's effective immediately.. like right now." I said.. "Now?" yes now he said.. I was thrown.. uh.. ok... he slithered around when i asked about cobra insurance.. and vacation.. and my expense timesheet that I have outstanding.. SLITHER is the correct word here.. so I got up and went back to my desk.. LOL!!! That stupid ass IT GUY... wow.. he had locked me out of my computer already.. couldnt' check my email.. was totally locked out.. wow... ok. so i proceeded to pack.. Bill my dysfunctional boss.. thought he got me.. and in truth.. in that moment.. he did.. BRAVO Bill! The long run is.. I don't have to work with your manic backstabbing self anymore! He proceeded to write a sarcastic and very condesending email to the whole company.. about how he accepted my resignation and how it was affective immediately.. and some rude comment about "Kerilyn desires to follow her so called calling in design".. so rude.. all my friends came over.. to support me.. and i packed up and left.. talked about final paychecks.. and monies.. and I left.. thank Goodness for all those that were there.. the big wigs there didn't say a word to me.

    I was shocked.. he zinged me.. for the moment.. but what a relief.. it's over.. I don't have to put up with the sales aspect of this job.... the one minute he says not to worry about my numbers.. and the next minute he's telling me my numbers can't be lower... no more.. put up with a dysfunctional and emotionally abusive boss who tells me not to "be me"

    Anyway.. I was tired.. between massage and the zing.. i was pooped! like barely keep my eyes open pooped.. wow.. I came home... and tried to decompress... then I went to Naomi's comedy show... at 10.. it was really good.. i hope it's more and more of a success.. and then my sister, Kristine, came.. we chatted with Angela (my roommate) a while and went to bed..

    Today we're off to the BIG APPLE!!! and now that i'm home.. i dont' have to rush! YEA!

    SO.. the morale of this story is:

    If you have in the past..written me at work... Don't. Write me here.. kerilyn@aol.com
    If' you've called me at work... Don't.. i won't be there.. Call me here. at home or cell.

    Ok all.. have a great weekend... I'll talk to you all on Monday sometime.. Since I'll be home.. maybe i'll just write novels to you all...going to go to museums.. sleep in... work on cards... maybe go to the gym... so much to do... tee hee hee..
    onward and upward!
    ancora imparo "i am still learning" in Latin


    Blogger Kyra said...

    Woo hoo! As much of a d*ck that he was, it sounds like fun ending that chapter!!! I'm really happy for you! Have a great time in the city!

    9:47 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Wow, he really confirmed for you (as if you needed it) his evilness. And unprofessionalism. For any person in authority to send an email like that shows they do not know how to respect people in any fashion. You're out of there! Enjoy your freedom! Great job, babe.

    10:06 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Hey girl, I'm reading your blog and I have to say your boss, or ex boss is an absolute colossal prick. I'm SO thrilled though that you are free from that "prison" because it truly did inhibit you careerwise and emotionally. Obviously, you have wonderful friends that support your endeavors...and I'm just one of them! :-) Even though you may not have gotten the turn out you anticipated with those greeting cards, I DEFINITELY think that is your niche. Those cards are amazing, in fact, I would love to purchase 2 from you sometime. Sending my love and support!

    11:42 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Well, there you have it. You can only pretend to be polite and professional for so long before your true colors come shining through. Hopefully, this will prove beyond a shadow of a doubt to those left behind just how sick and pathetic the people they work with/for are.

    The manner in which your departure was addressed is a tribute to the petty, childish manner in which they all issues internally and externally. That place is a disease.

    Here is something to laugh at. The IT guy's life is so pathetic and empty that he has nothing better to do than to read all of the employees e-mails and keep them from having one iota of amusement while at work. Meanwhile, he surfs whatever he chooses. Another tribute to the hypocracy that is that nameless company. So, I wonder, is he a voyeur or a NARC? I've decided...BOTH!

    The other funny thing is that they are so blind. They have no idea that they are the laughing stock of the industry. They think that their dirty little secrets are well hidden. Meanwhile, the entire industry knows everything that is going on. It is laughable that they try so hard to fool themselves.

    I am so very proud of you and delighted that you have finally escaped the confines of that mental ward. You are a wonderful person. I know that I am better for having known you. Remember, that which does not kill us only makes us stronger.

    P.S. Honestly, I know they are checking this page daily for any scathing comments such as this one. I genuinely feel sorry for all of them and feel that they should seek help.

    9:46 AM  
    Blogger Kyra said...

    Heh heh... Awesome post! I didn't even catch the "so called calling" first time I read your post. He actually used those words? What a scum bag.

    11:27 AM  

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