High/Low 11.23.04
How are ya'll? Ready for turkey day? Yea.. me neither.. I can't believe the start of the holiday season is here already.. man.. this year flew by..
I had another crappy, cruddy day.. the ONLY good thing that came out of today (side note: I realize everyone.. that I am not the only person in the world to have a cruddy day.. I am merely sharing with you my cruddy day.. by all means, please fill me in on your good &/OR bad day.. I would love to hear. ) oh yea.. the only thing.. that was good.. was I actually got to sit down to eat dinner while watching my favorite show, Scrubs tonite. Other than that.. ALL downhill. I am at my wits end with these crappy things.. yea yea yea.. I know.. it's all to make me stronger.. yea yea.. I know that.. but it still hurts like HELL when you can't figure out why EVERYTHING is seemingly falling apart.
Another Side note: I know I am blessed.. I have so much.. again, my morning coffee.. my cat.. my friend Davina, who, after sitting in traffic a while, let me come over and TRY to wait out the traffic.. (Thanks D!)
Ugh.. I don't even know where to start.. I'll even go so far as to say that spiritually, I know that I am creating this havoc.. that it's noone's fault but my own.. wow.. when the s$#t keeps hitting the fan though.. I'll tell ya.. it really doesn't feel like i'm creating this.. (although I know I am deep down) Took 2 hours to get home, in traffic.. and AFTER I waited an hour at Davina's. I dislike intensely my boss, I am feeling lost with respect to how I feel about someone who I can't "figure out".. one minute I'm strong.. the next.. I'm weak. Did I mention that I don't like my job or my boss....
oh yea.. another good thing.. I bought stuff for mashed potatoes, string beans, and mushrooms.. for turkey day.. still gotta get the recipe for my mom's carrot casserole so I can go get the stuff.. I am SOOOOOO looking forward to having a few days off.. now only if I could find time to spend by myself (1) and motivate myself to start doing stuff around the house...
Anyway.. Tomorrow is Wednesday.. if I can hold out just 8 hours tomorrow.. it will be over (for a while anyway) I pray it goes better.. that I don't spend the entire day in my car..or with yet ANOTHER boss who seemingly has mental problems. (Final Side note: WHERE do they teach bosses' to treat their employees like dirt?? Can you tell me because I'd like to Shut it down!!!!! Oh yea.. and if YOU are a boss... I hope that you are treating your employees with value.. for if they weren't there.. well let's not talk about it. A relationship with a boss could be just as hard as a romantic relationship (especially if your boss again is Jeckle and Hyde, like mine! I seem to pick em!)
Ancora Imparo.
Love you all,
"Life, even in the hardest times, is full of moments to savor. They will not come this way again, not in this way. " Rinehart (yea yea yea... sez kerilyn)
"When you first get up in the morning, Pooh," said Piglet at last, "what's the first thing you say to yourself?""What's for breakfast?" said Pooh. "What do you say, Piglet?""I say, I wonder what's going to happen exciting today?" said Piglet.Pooh nodded thoughtfully."It's the same thing," he said." - A.A. Milne
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