" There is nothing for you to go back and live over, or fix, or feel regret about now. Every part of your life has unfolded just right. And so --now -- knowing all that you know from where you now stand, now what do you want? The answers are now coming forth to you. Go forth in joy, and get on with it.." - Abraham via Jerry and Esther Hicks

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    Daily goings on in my consistantly metamorphasizing life.. trying to figure life out.. as it throws me around a bit. Enjoy!

    "I have learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but they will never forget how you made them feel." - Maya Angelou

    Friday, October 24, 2008

    High/Low 10.24.08


    Friday Thank goodness!! I woke up in the middle of the night with anxiety about money.. Ugh. Usually Sleep is one thing that I do not have a problem doing. I am grateful that I am not one with regular insomnia... but ever since this knot in my stomach about how much money I'm going to be spending in the next year... I feel a bit nauseous today.. I try to remind myself to be in the moment and not to focus too much on the future.. but ugh... not feeling too centered today again. Again to prove what an amazing transformative year this has been.. I know everything will be ok.. I am reassured in my bones that all will be perfect come next September.. it's time I start visualizing abundance and prosperity instead of this uneasy feeling about Lack.

    Well onto sunnier topics... 3 things 2 things :

    3 things that make me happy:
    1. Wow.. one of my co-workers and I were talking about Perfume yesterday and she mentioned how she really hated this one that she has.. she didn't like the way it smelled on her.. I said wow.. I liked that smell.. So today she surprised me and brought in almost a full bottle of it.. What a nice thing to do!!
    2. It was really nice to catch up with Davina last nite.. Of course she looks beautiful like she always does.. I just love her. I love how strong she is.. and how she knows what she wants. She has always been real.. and I value that about her. She inspires me. Her friend Keri joined us.. i haven't spent much time with Keri so I'm glad she came... she seems like a cool chick.. AND we went to one of my favorite restaurants.. and I got my favorite appetizer.. popcorn shrimp.. YUM!!! VERY nice evening!
    3. Ok.. so.. from what I said yesterday about Peters mgmt saying the chefs have to work 6 days a week... for a little while.. due to the economy.. Ugh. So Peter finagled it so that his day off is Saturday! So we can spend the day together!!! That will be really nice!
    4. Do I have to say it... Thank GOD it's Friday and Payday!

    2 things I am looking forward to today:
    1. Running of course.. 5 days this week! Next week I'm going up to a mile and half! I can do it!
    2. Therapy at 7.. Yep.. look forward to that too.
    3. Going home.. putting my pajamas on and watching one netflix movie I have.

    2 long term things I am looking forward to:
    1. Putting up a real Christmas Tree up!!! I love the holidays.. the music... the meaning..the TV Shows.... the lights.
    2. This weekend I have to do a thorough cleaning of the bedroom.. sweep.. put all my laundry away (I don't like laundry.. ugh) dust.. organize my desk.. the works!!! It's been irking me..

    1 person I am going to appreciate:
    My girl Michelle.. last nite we had an awesome talk... We were talking about facing our fears and learning to love ourself.. It gives me comfort to know that we're both working on our inner selves.. and that I am not alone. I am so very glad that she is in my life.. one who also "swims in the deep end." Love you sweetcheeks.

    Have a great weekend.
    Much Love,


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