Check it out!! My friend Janet who is a Senior Programmer (i don't know if that's the correct title) played around with my blog and figured out a way to get my favorite stuff on the right hand side of my postings! How awesome is that! A lot of you didn't even see it there.. the photos (which.. if you click on.. will be a slideshow of my pics) or my favorite links.. Let me know what you think of this format.. I really like it! Thanks Janet honey!!! woo hoo! I love it!
Yesterday.. hmmm... was an uneventful day.. I was a bit bored yesterday too.. reading.. etc.. it was really warm in the office.. and that made for a VERY sleepy afternoon.. Man! My eyes were fighting me to stay open.. Gratefully I got 2 projects that I start working on today.. so I'll be busy for the next few days.. until We leave for thanksgiving! Thankfully! I like being busy (not like stressed, under the gun busy.. but steady stream busy.. makes the day go by faster)
So I have a date tonite.. it's just meeting for coffee.. but still... I really do think after this.. I'm bowing out of the whole online dating experience.. I'm kinda done with it all.. it's so... 'ends don't justify the means'... and that's not a fun way to go.. The reason why i'm going tonite.. is I bailed on this guy last week because I had a work function... and he's been really nice.. (although I'm not feeling anything) eh... it's just coffee..
So.. I'm sure ya'll have had a moment to check out my website... any suggestions??? Stephanie Wong.. any suggestions??? (Why i just thought of you right now.. I don't know) If you do... big suggestions or little ones.. let me know..
www.ancora-imparo.net YEA!
Had a really good meditation this morning.. well.. i went deep but my mind was running and running. My body enjoys the stillness.. but my mischievious mind says "A HA!MY TURN!!!" and I start thinking of all this stuff... and bing! the 30 minutes are up and I'm like.. "WAIT!! I didn't even settle down.. my brain was running!!!!" yea.. that was me today. lately actually.
ok.. i'm in the mood for 3 things 2 things:
3 things that make me happy:
- Paying my car insurance a WEEK before it's due!
- Coming downstairs this morning and the THREE cookies that Angela left for me! Woo hoo!
- Putting money in my savings account yesterday.. a small bumper.. makes me SOO happy!
2 things I look forward to today:
- Working diligently on my projects! I really do enjoy CAD!
- My morning smoothie.. and my cookies!
2 long term things I look forward to:
- The owners of my company take the whole company on a 5 day trip every year.. I found out that although I am 3 weeks new.. that I'm going too!! I think this March we are going to the Dominican Republic. I have to get my Passport renewed... CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT??? All expenses paid, for the most part.. AND... 3 days off of work.. PAID! Sounds unbelieveable huh? i know.. i think so too!!!
- Thanksgiving Holiday.. I have Wednesday-Friday off.. Paid! I'm going to go home for thanksgiving dinner.. stay at my sisters that nite.. and on Black friday.. go help my sister out at Yankee Candle (where she manages) I think it'll be fun to do something with her.. even if it is busy.. helping out is fun.
1 person I am going to appreciate:
- Janet... it was SO nice of her to make those changes to my blog.. when she called me last nite to tell me it worked!! I was jumping all around!! Thanks Janet.. I really appreciate it!
k all.. hope you have a good day!!! keep smilin.
onward and upward
ancora imparo " I am still learning" in Latin
www.ancora-imparo.netPS: Can I get your opinion.. i've been thinking about it.. because I am a big self-evaluator.. What is your impression of my high/lows lately? Do you think they are pessimistic and sad.. or encouragingly inspiring.. I mean.. I'm trying to remain in the positive.. (ok..the men topic makes me QUITE sad and lonely but eh.. everyone has their 'thing' ) but would you say that it's been a depressing thing to read me everyday?
oh.. and Matthew.. what the heck was your comment about? fill me in?